Excursions in St. Petersburg They have their honorable niche in the cultural life of St. Petersburg.

Excursions in St. Petersburg organize bus companies, shipping companies, travel agencies and even taxi companies.

Excursions by Peter can not do without guides, who lead walking tours, bus tour, teplokhodnye tour, private tours by car, night, day, thematic and sightseeing tours.

Probably, you can guess who is the main key figure in the triumph of reason and culture in all of these events?

As it was not perfect St. Petersburg, which would not have been comfortable boats or buses, but the quality and professionalism of the guide depends on the, how St. Petersburg will remain in your heart.

So we want to wish you, on your way to explore the Venice of the North met only professional guides and good heart, who grant you a message of creativity and discoveries.

Online Tours of St. Petersburg from "Neva River" you can choose a variety of water, bus and walking tours, but you can also start to get acquainted with St. Petersburg correspondence through our website.

Excursions in St. Petersburg the site will not be as beautiful as live, but, we hope, not less informative.


1 The history of the emergence of street names and numbering of houses.

The streets in our city there, As soon as the first houses, but the names and numbers of houses had. For, to find the right house, I had to describe in detail the signs of the countryside. And here it is appropriate to talk about the works of the classics, including Pushkin, who in his novels indicated signs home, and I did not call the exact address, and because the events took place at the beginning of 19 century. If you plunge into the history of our city, we know the, what else 20 April 1738g "Commission for St. Petersburg," the first name of some streets were assigned. But only some, and the very few.

First got their names 18 the most important streets, 5 areas, their names have received several canals and bridges.

City- a living organism, where there are people and, naturally, man makes every effort to ensure, to make life more comfortable. AND, of course, wait, when the authorities will assign your street name, no one will, and often city dwellers gave themselves the name of the place where they live.

AT 18-19 street names appear for centuries, associated with the nature of the activities of the inhabitants of the area or with the location of industrial and commercial enterprises, various government agencies or by name of homeowner. Often the names are older than the city itself.

From the middle 19 century, the names in St. Petersburg are adopted by a Senate decree or a resolution of the State Duma.

Then, at the administrative level, the streets began to be named according to the names of the rivers., cities, counties and various provinces. Like Tambovskaya st, Mozhaiskaya st., Vvedensky channel street

After the revolution, many streets and even entire districts were named after revolutionaries and key dates of revolutionary times.. for example: Avenue 25 October, garden 1905, Kuibyshev street and many others

In Soviet times, streets began to be named in honor of poets, writers, artists, scientists who worked and served for the good of the fatherland.. Thanks to this, a whole cultural quarter, street. Nekrasov, str. Tchaikovsky, str. Mayakovsky, str. Zhukovsky

The names of many streets have preserved the memory of the Great Patriotic War.

In St. Petersburg to the beginning 21 century historically formed the main configuration and theme of street names, characterizing it as a city of three revolutions, city ​​of sea glory, city ​​of science, culture, heroic opposition to fascism.

A house numbering formula has been formed in St. Petersburg.

Streets in St. Petersburg are divided into even and odd sides.

The beginning of the streets begins with the formula:

1.From water to ...

2.From center to..

3.From the larger highway to ...

The even side is on the left, the odd side is on the right hand.

A striking example can be cited by the example of Liteiny Prospekt and Vladimirsky Prospekt. Liteiny pr. goes from the Neva to Nevsky prospect. Accordingly, the avenue originates from the Neva, and if you stand with your back to the Neva and face to the Neva. then there will be an even side on the left hand, and on the right hand is odd. But Vladimirsky pr. it begins already from Nevsky Prospect. ,which is the main thoroughfare of the central part of St. Petersburg, but stands after waterways. If the street departs from Nevsky Prospect. to the Neva, but the street itself does not reach the Neva, then in this case the beginning of the street remains the same from Nevsky Prospect.



2.Saint Petersburg city on islands.

One of special sights of St. Petersburg is that, that Petersburgers are island residents. And the inhabitants of our city, without exaggeration, can be called islanders. Many residents will certainly be surprised by this., but it really is. In St. Petersburg, it is customary to consider only residents of Petrogradsky and Vasilievsky islands, as living on these islands. But people forget to look more closely around their habitat.. And if you look around? How many islands we will see only with a cursory examination?

  1. Vasilievsky Island
  2. Rabbit island
  3. Aptekarsky Island
  4. Petrogradsky Island
  5. Petrovsky Island
  6. Stone
  7. Yelagin
  8. Krestovskiy
  9. Gutuevsky
  10. Kanonersky
  11. Smooth
  12. Galerny
  13. Matisov
  14. New Admiralty
  15. New Holland
  16. Pokrovsky
  17. 1th Admiralteysky
  18. 2 oh Admiralty
  19. Summer garden
  20. Nameless
  21. Kazan
  22. Decembrists
  23. monastic
  24. valleys
  25. Dirty
  26. small Slap
  27. Park Ekateringof
  28. Turuhtannye island

How many islands are connected with the times of Peter in the larger? Probably, you will not get an answer to this question without Novgorod and Swedish cards. During the Northern War, when Petersburg was formed, islands in the Neva Delta were 105. Today only 42 islands make up the image of the city.


theme 3. Excursion along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg.

Petersburg attractions, which are indicated in all reference books, books about Petersburg, in cinema and art and are one of the hallmarks of the Venice of the North- these are the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg.

How many rivers and canals in St. Petersburg?

If you ask such a question to residents of the city, then the majority will answer the question by listing the main arteries of the center of St. Petersburg, such as: Neva, Fontanka, Washing, Griboyedov channel.

Remembering still be able to add: Winter groove, Bypass channel and a couple of three more names.

In this article we will try to list as many rivers and canals as possible.

flowing through the territory of St. Petersburg.

1.Paper channel.

Runs from the Yekateringofka River to the Tarakanovka River. The name is associated with the industrial character of the area. A paper mill was built in Yekateringof in the time of Peter the Great. In the early 80s 19 century, part of the canal was filled up, and Bumazhnaya st..

2.Ekateringofka River.

Yekateringofka flows out of the Neva at its confluence with the Gulf of Finland and washes Gutuevsky Island.

In May 1703. Detachment led by Peter 1 in boarding took 2 Swedish ships, who entered the mouth of the Neva. In memory of this victory, Peter 1 in 1711 and presented to Catherine ( Ekateringof is translated from it. Like Catherine's yard ). Opposite the battle site, on the island, laid the palace. A park was laid out near the palace ( now there is Yekateringof park ). AT 1926 the palace burned down.

3.Tarakanovka river.

Yekateringofka tributary. Named in 1785 year by the name of the owners of one of the local factories.

4.Zhdanovka river.

So called sleeve Malaya Neva, Petrovsky separates the island from the Petrograd.

5.Karpovka river.

The river flows between the Greater and Lesser Neva, Apothecary separating the island from the Petrograd.

The name of the river goes back to Finnish words, which can be translated in two ways: "Forest River" or "Crow River".

  1. Admiralty Canal.

For the construction of galleys in 1713 a subsidiary enterprise of the Admiralty was built, which later became known as the Galley shipyard. AT 1717 the Admiralty Canal was dug near the walls of the Admiralty to the Galley Shipyard. At the beginning 20 century, most of the channel filled ( Galernaya street). Admiralty Canal became a small.

  1. Novo-Admiralteysky channel.

The channel separates the Novo-Admiralty Island and 2nd Admiralty Island.

  1. New Dutch channel.

It comes from the Moika River inland New Holland.

9.Kryukov canal.

Initially the channel was dug between the Neva and the Moika. After construction of the duct Annunciation bridge was covered ( in place pl.Truda). AT 1782-1787 years the canal was laid -up Fontanka River.

10.swan channel.

Swan channel dug 1711-1716 years from the Neva to the Moika River. Territory of the Field of Mars, in the first years of the existence of St. Petersburg was covered with a swampy forest. To drain the area, they dug 2 parallel channels - Lebyazhy and Red (filled up in 1760).

11.Moika river.

The washing takes place in the city center, originates in the Fontanka river, near the Summer Garden, and flows into the Neva. Her length- more 5 km.

The name "Moika" comes from the old name of the river Mya. The very name "Mya" goes back to the ancient Izhora-Finnish name "Muya".

On old Swedish maps 17b left tributary of the Neva, now called the Moika River (between the village of Otradnoye and the city of Kirovsk), designated- "Drink muya yoki". In Russian it means: "Dirty little river".

12.Monastyrka river.

It flows between the Obvodny Canal and the Neva, skirting the large territory of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

13.Neva River.

Neva River- one of the young rivers of our country. It flows out of the Shlisselburg Bay of Lake Ladoga and flows into the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland. Its length is 74 kilometers. The average width of the river within the city is about 600 m, depth- to 24 m.

Several centuries ago, the Neva was a strait, the width of which reached 10 kilometers. Therefore, Russian chroniclers called it the mouth of Lake Nebo (Lake Ladoga).

Many wrote about the origin of the name "Neva". An opinion was expressed about the relationship of the name with the Finnish word "Neva" (swamp, mud, bog). Often attributed to the ancient Finnish name of Lake Ladoga, namely to "Nevo" (sea). But in Swedish documents there is another name for our Neva- "Nude" (New river).

With the same name, the river is mentioned in the contracts of Novgorod with German cities.

14.Bypass canal.

AT 1766 a drainage ditch was dug from the Ligovsky Canal to the Yekateringofka River.

The construction of the Bypass Canal belongs to 1803-1835 years. The canal was intended to drain the Neva water in the event of a flood, as well as for the transportation of goods to enterprises, located along the canal.

The channel stretches for more 8 kilometers.

Thrown across the channel 18 bridges, not counting railway overpasses. The name reminds of, that the channel was dug there, which took place when the border city.

15.River Okkervily.

River Okkervily It flows into the Great Ohta at its southern bend of the territory of Malaya Okhta.

Okkervil-old name. It is applied to the Swedish map 1699 of the year. Here was the manor of the Swedish Colonel Okkervil. From the manor and Okkervil River name appeared.

16.River Pryazhka.

AT 1700-1710 years left sleeve Moika river called Chuhonskoy.

AT 1738 year, the "Commission on the St. Petersburg building" made a decision to move the dilapidated and fire-hazardous "spinning barns" and "smolnya" from the Admiralty area to the outskirts of the city, to the Fontanka River and beyond the Kryukov Canal.

Streets that emerged on the site of new settlements, as well as the Chukhonskaya river itself began to be called according to the nature of local production. The name comes from the word "spin".

16.Herring canal.

Herring canal located on Gutuevsky island. Its name comes from the Herring Brawler.

First in 18 century, Herring Buyan was located on a small island at the mouth of the Malaya Neva. The island was connected by a dam with the island of Goloday (Decembrists). There were warehouses of herring and other fish. Later, the Seldyanoy Buyan was transferred to Gutuevsky Island..

16.Smolenka river.

The Smolenka River separates Dekabristov Island from Vasilievsky Island.

Until the middle 18 century the river was called Deaf, then Chernoy. The origin of the name is explained as follows. According to legend, near it in the first years of the construction of St. Petersburg, carpenters and excavators from the peasants of the Smolensk province were buried. Therefore, the field on Vasilievsky Island was called Smolensk and the field that arose here in 1756 Orthodox cemetery.

At the same time, the Smolensk Church was built at the cemetery.. From the cemetery, and also the name of the river comes from the church.

17.Fontanka River.

Fontanka River, crossing the central part of St. Petersburg, in the first years of the city's construction it was called the Nameless Erik. Eric is usually called a small duct, coming out of the river and flowing into it again. Fontanka flows out of the Neva and flows into it.

After the pipes were thrown across the river, the fountains of the Summer Garden supplied with water from the pools of the Ligovsky Canal, Nameless erik got its new name. The people began to be called the Fountain River. Over time, the Fountain River became known as the Fontanka.

18.Black River.

The ducts with stagnant water were usually called black.. "Black"- one of the very common names for small rivers in the Northwest. There were several rivers in St. Petersburg with this name..

The Black River flows in the area of ​​Novaya Derevnya, flows into the Bolshaya Nevka.

AT 1837 year by this Black River, near the Commandant's dacha, there was a duel between A.S. Pushkin and Dantes.

18.Griboyedov Canal.

The Griboyedov Canal departs from the Moika River in the Konyushennaya Square area and flows into the Fontanka River in its lower reaches. A winding river used to flow in the place of the canal., Curve. AT 1764-1783 years this river was deepened and cleared.

Near 150 years the channel was called Catherine. AT 1923 year he was named after the Russian writer A.S. Griboyedov. One of his first apartments was located on the Catherine Canal, in a house near Kharlamov bridge.

19.Volkovka river.

The Volkovka River got its name from the Volkova village located on this territory.. Also in 15 century on this place there were Novgorod settlements. The tax census book Vodskaya fifths 1500 year referred to settlements on the island with Galteevom setuy River (Galteev Island was then a vast tract south of the present Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and the river Setui was called the current river Volkovka).

The main waterway of St. Petersburg is the Neva. Its length within the city -32 km. At the mouth, the Neva branches into many large and small branches. The most significant of them are Malaya Neva, Big, Srednyaya and Malaya Nevki. From the first years of the construction of the city, the digging of canals began- mainly in the central regions. By the number of rivers, channels and channels St. Petersburg ranks first in our country and one of the first places in the world. Within the city, there are up to 100 reservoirs: lakes, ponds and artificial pools.

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