• duration: to 1 time 10 min
  • schedule: Daily departures 00:30
  • Departure: Embankment. Fontanka d.27 (Anichkov bridge pier), Embankment. river Moika d.59 (Pier Green Bridge)
  • Route: p. Fontanka - Neva (to Bronze Horseman) - p. Fontanka.
    We'll see: Annunciation, Palace, exchange, Trinity bridges
  • motor ship: single-deck ship class Fontanka. There is a closed lower salon and an open upper deck (ship capacity - up to 50 pers.)
  • Language trips: Russian, audioguide
  • Aboard: a toilet, microphone

Description of the route

Greatness and celebration. Dream and high culture. Endless darkness marshes and the genius of the human soul. All this is behind the name of the city, incurred by a single will Peter I Romanov, Russia's first emperor. Myths on the banks of the Neva intertwined with the realities of history. One of the features of the low-lying lands since ancient times is a natural phenomenon, which is called the White Nights. Twilight come to the city for a few hours from the end of May to end of July. This unusual natural phenomenon exists in other cities Murmansk, Vologda, Magadan, Khanty-Mansiysk, Yakutsk, Inte and many others. But only in St. Petersburg white nights – famous brand, associated with breeding Neva bridges. The beauty of this awesome action leaves no one indifferent. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world every summer come to the banks of the Neva, to always carry a piece of this puzzle of nature framed illuminated embankments, water surface mirrors, elevated bridge spans, in his heart home!!! You can also become a member of an amazing bright show, and together with us on the boat to go to the night tour of St. Petersburg on the Neva river walk on the bridges! All night tour you can see on the this page.

Night walk on the boat for the bridges is identical with day tour of the rivers and canals from Grand Petersburg. The difference is that, that on the boat going to the bridges are not conducted tour. If you're interested in sightseeing by boat on the rivers, channels and the Gulf of Finland click here.


This night tour will take place in two main and famous waterways of the city – Fontanka and Neva. Sublime front part of the former Russian Empire, the capital appear to your eyes in the diversity and magnificence of its architectural images.

Departure route- from Anichkov Bridge Nevsky Prospect. Let's go on to the Lomonosov Bridge Fontanka, We make a U-turn and start moving along the line of the famous St. Petersburg apartment buildings, described in great works of Gogol and Dostoevsky.

We admire the sculptural composition Cavalry Peter Klodt on Anichkov Bridge, Catherine Institute for Noble Maidens, a rare specimen of the palace and park ensemble 18 in Sheremetevs, Church of Simeon and Anna the Prophetess 1730s.

Looking at the city from the water, see, that St. Petersburg – this is one huge monument, raised on granite quays of palm. We learn the history of School of Technical Drawing of Baron Alexander Stieglitz and Law School, thanks to which the city was the song about Siskin-Pyzhik and a small sculpture of the same name, decorating panorama Fontanka.

laundry bridge, put in the watershed of the Fontanka and Neva, created 250 years ago, It leads us to the main waterway of the city. Here already we can see the Aurora cruiser and frigate “Grace”, Trinity chapel and the northernmost mosque in the world, PPK complex and arrow in the, Cabinet of curiosities and University.

The motor ship once again make a U-turn, and of the Annunciation of the bridge, we pass along the Neva River and admire the spectacular ensemble of St. Isaac's Square, which the image is formed and the Bronze Horseman, and Cathedral, and Alexander the old park and the building of the Senate and Synod.

Along Admiralty come to the famous stairway descent with guard lions, guarded city almost calm 2 hundreds of years.

We shall proceed further along the light, air, bright complex of Hermitage buildings and the Marble Palace, We can assess the harmony and symmetry Trinity bridge pattern and lattice Summer Garden.

Once again returning to the Fontanka, along the lines of old plantations first regular parks in Russia, closer to sculpture Siskin-Pyzhik at the source of the River Moika, people admire the genius, created by the last living residence of Paul I – Mikhailovsky Castle. Let us recall the name of Gaetano Ciniselli – circus entrepreneur, we created the first regular stationary circus in the country. And the end of the meeting at the Nevsky Prospect.

What will you see

Медный всадник
Метеор Петергоф от Дворцовой пристани
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  • Belinsky bridge.
  • circus Chinizelli.
  • Sheremetev Palace.
  • Chizhik- young deer.
  • Mikhailovsky castle.
  • Panteleimon bridge.
  • Art and Industry Academy of Baron Stieglitz.
  • Summer garden.
  • Peter-Pavel's Fortress .
  • Trinity bridge.

  • The Marble Palace.
  • Aurora. foundry bridge.
  • laundry bridge.
  • palace bridge.
  • Hermitage.
  • Zimnyaya ditch.
  • Admiralty.
  • Bronze Horseman.
  • Blagoveschinsky bridge.
  • He Arrows VO.

Our advantages

  • Combo - Family ticket: Advantageous offer! Family ticket - 2 adults and 1 children's ticket to 12 years. You can purchase additional tickets by category. The promotion is valid only when buying tickets online. The promotion DOES NOT WORK at the berths!
  • Combo - Ticket duet: Two adult discounted tickets! You can purchase additional tickets by category. Promotion valid for online purchase only.. The promotion DOES NOT WORK at the berths!
  • E-ticket: When purchasing tickets for "meteor" online, print tickets at the box office - no berths required! You can print it out for yourself in case your phone suddenly dies.. Passage is carried out using QR codes.

route Map

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Adult ticket
? Discount ticket: 1800 
? Dety to 12 years: 1200 
? Children up to 3 years:  is free
Combo tickets:
? Duet: 3750 
? Semyony: 4950 
Adult ticket
Discount ticket: 1600 
children's tickets: 1100 

Other flights to draw bridges

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