• Flight duration: from Peterhof - 40 min
  • Departure: Peterhof
  • schedule: daily, every 30 min
  • Route: The Gulf of Finland, water area of ​​the Neva
  • motor ship: speedboat
  • Additionally: small observation deck, a toilet

Description of the route on the meteor from Peterhof

Here you are in the realm of fountains - Peterhof! We visited the Grand Palace, We strolled along the shady alleys of the Lower Park of Peterhof, We enjoyed the glow jet fountains of the Grand Cascade and heard the music of water. And now your relatives are hinting at the reinforcement of physical strength, as the spiritual food you are satisfied, and return to the city by road have no strength.

You ought to get out of the Lower Park, pass the Upper Park, wait for a minibus or bus, go 40-60 min to the subway. Next, find the subway, where there is little air and a lot of people, and then finally you through 1 no 30 i am 2 hours in the city center, happy and satisfied go to dinner. May be, everything is just like that, but more often after intense walks want to plunge into the cool water, and as quickly as possible to eat tasty and inexpensive. What to do?


The answer suggests itself. And this answer is Meteora from Peterhof to Petersburg.

Meteora from Peterhof is the fastest mode of transport, that will take you and your loved ones for 40 min from the Lower Park right in the heart of the city to the Hermitage, Nevsky Prospect and the various places of power.

A trip to the meteor from the park of Peterhof to St. Petersburg takes only 40 min, and during this time you will also have time to relax in a comfortable Meteor, moving along the surface of the Gulf of Finland at a speed of up to 60 km / h. And all of the above will lead to, what, arrived on a meteorite from Peterhof in St. Petersburg Center, you will force a choice of places to eat, and will force the continuation of exploring the center of St. Petersburg.

A trip on the Meteor from Peterhof is a continuation of the holiday, that you have organized for themselves and their loved ones, deciding to visit Peterhof and return to the city the fastest and most, may be, the most comfortable way.

You can buy a ticket to Meteor from Peterhof through our website in advance, without wasting time in queues at the box office of the pier.

We advise you to buy a ticket for a meteor from the Lower Park to St. Petersburg at the rate of approximately this: 2 hours to get acquainted with the Lower Park, and then most people comes fatigue. This we tell you information, obtained using long-term observations.

Many people buy tickets for the Peterhof-Petersburg meteors with the calculation, they will stay in the park more 3 hours and have time to see the maximum. We assure you: fatigue comes earlier!!! After escaping from the urban bustle of the fresh sea air, People very quickly satiated information, fills lungs with ozone, and the gaze - the surrounding beauty. We advise distributing forces and laying on the Lower Park of Peterhof no more than 2 hours. But the decision is yours, We only recommend!

What will you see

Отправление Метеоров в Петргоф от Сенатской пристани
Метеор Петергоф от Дворцовой пристани
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  • In the distance, a picturesque image of Kotlin Island, where the fortress city of Kronstadt with its forts and the line of a complex of modern hydrotechnical protective structures stands, popularly referred to as the Dam;
  • Sea harbor and large cruise ships;
  • Laconic quarters of seaside areas;
  • View of Lakhta, where the pedestal was found for the great Bronze Horseman;
  • Wide Baltic expanses beyond the island part of urban development;
  • The splendor of the embankments of St. Petersburg, clad in granite;
  • While on board the rocket, you will see the panorama of the historic parade Petersburg.

Our advantages

  • Combo - Family ticket: Advantageous offer! Family ticket - 2 adults and 1 children's ticket to 12 years. You can purchase additional tickets by category. The promotion is valid only when buying tickets online. The promotion DOES NOT WORK at the berths!
  • Combo - Ticket duet: Two adult discounted tickets! You can purchase additional tickets by category. Promotion valid for online purchase only.. The promotion DOES NOT WORK at the berths!
  • E-ticket: When purchasing tickets for "meteor" online, print tickets at the box office - no berths required! You can print it out for yourself in case your phone suddenly dies.. Passage is carried out using QR codes.

Route of the meteor to Peterhof

Schedule meteors from Peterhof

from Senate pier

from the Palace pier

flights from Peterhof




























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Adult ticket
? Discount ticket: 1500 
? Dety to 12 years: 850 
? Children up to 3 years:  is free
Adult ticket
Discount ticket: 1400 
children's tickets: 800 

Other flights to Meteora

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