Location depart meteors in Peterhof? This question is very common to hear from visitors of our city. And many residents of St. Petersburg, once ezdivshie to Peterhof Meteora, try to remember marinas meteors to Peterhof. In order to get an accurate answer to the question: It starts from a meteor to Peterhof? – We do not need any intermediaries, all useful information on administration of meteors in Peterhof, marinas departure meteors in Peterhof, the cost to Peterhof meteors and meteor schedule, All this and much more, associated with regular traffic on waterways of St. Petersburg, you can read on our website. Company "Neva River" is the partner of one of the largest shipping companies in our city on the inland waters of St. Petersburg "Neva Travel". One of directions of our activity – this meteors ticket sales, which will start in Peterhof from the quays of the Northern Capital. All berths, from which the meteors start to Peterhof, They are located in the front part of Neva Annunciation bridge and bridge to Trinity. In St. Petersburg has five marinas, from which the meteors are sent to Peterhof. The ownership of the shipping company "Neva Travel", from which the meteors start to Peterhof, There are two equipped berth, located within walking distance from the metro Admiralty.
Berths departure meteors to Peterhof
1. berth "Senate marina"
address berth: English nab.2
Jetty is located between the monument to Peter 1 (Bronze Horseman) and the building of the Senate and Synod (constitutional Court).
- Berth "Descent from the lions" can be found at, Admiralty nab.2 and belongs to the shipping company "Astra Marine".
- Berth "Vodochody," located at, Palace nab.39 and belongs to the shipping company "Vodochody".
- Berth "number 4" is located at Dvortsovayanab.18 and belongs to the shipping company "Neva Classic".
Where better to sit on the meteor to Peterhof?
the question: where to sit on the meteor to Peterhof? We would answer: one on the Senate pier. At first, mooring wharf less loaded Senate. Secondly, originally meteors start from Senate pier, Further you go to the Palace quay, do replanting and then starts to Peterhof. As a result, the Senate shrunken pier, passengers have more choices when placed on a meteorite, than passengers, who sit down at the Palace pier. AT- third, distance from Admiralty Subway differs slightly (Palace pier- 600-700m, Senate marina 800-900 m).