Read more about the tour

  • duration: 2,5 time.
  • The length of the route: 5 km.
  • tour Starts: pl. Ostrovsky
  • tour Ends: Palace Square
  • schedule: It varies and depends on the filling groups
  • occupancy of the group: to 15 people.
  • cost of: 3000 rub

Description walking tour

ABOUTthe bottom of the many informal names of our city – Neva stronghold. The name is reminiscent of the military valor and glory, It has marked the history of St. Petersburg, Petrograd, cities – Leningrad hero. During the existence of the northern capital of him no one was able to capture and put on her knees, despite, wishing that, commit this folly was always plenty. After passing along the route of our excursion, we explore some of the sights of our city, reminiscent of the triumphal victory of Russian arms, and have become monuments of valor and courage of civilian residents of the city and its defenders.

Note. If desired, the route can be extended, and the excursion is increased without increasing the cost of the tour.

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