Read more about the tour

  • duration: 2,5 time.
  • The length of the route: 5 km.
  • tour Starts: Candlestick Lane d.27
  • tour Ends: Arts Square
  • schedule: It varies and depends on the filling groups
  • occupancy of the group: to 15 people.
  • cost of: 3000 rub

Description walking tour

ATof the tour you will get acquainted with some of the sights of our city, directly mentioned in the texts of novels by Ilf and Petrov “12 chairs”. and “Golden calf”, You learn about the real prototypes heroes of novels, their addresses in St. Petersburg, and Second Life works, -found them on the stage and on the silver screen, leafed through some pages of the history of our city era 20-30 the last century.

Note. If desired, the route can be extended, and the excursion is increased without increasing the cost of the tour.

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