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Description walking tour
nAsha tour will take time 1,5-2 hours through the city center. It is dedicated to the amazing variety of architectural forms, who used the famous architects of past eras in the construction of Orthodox churches enormous capital of the Russian Empire, to emphasize its greatness and grandeur of the Orthodox Faith, as a bastion of royal power.
Passing through the old quarter center of Venice of the North, we will see Panteleimon Cathedral, built in honor of the victories of Peter the Great over the Swedes on the sea in the Northern War, Simeonievskiy temple, rare example of architecture of the first third of the 18 century, Ann was built in the Baroque style, Transfiguration Cathedral, a monument of Russian military valor.
In the end, our group will ashore main Neva River City, and we will see the unforgettable panorama of the spire of the bell tower of Peter and Paul Cathedral, the dominant feature of our city and talk about the history of this place of worship, which today is the burial of Russian Emperors.
If desired, it will be possible to go in and Panteleymonovsky Simeonievsky churches.
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