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Description walking tour
Priglashaem everyone with a professional guide to go through the historical center of St. Petersburg Ceremonial and admire the panorama of the old quarters, created by the best classical models of the great European cities. A distinctive feature of the building of St. Petersburg was his ensemble. Every single quarter in the center is a band or a functionally related set of buildings and the surrounding environment, normalized to unity, and get a certain artistic image. The very same word "ensemble" means "unity" a tremendous amount of space in the center of the city on the Neva River - it's the best ensembles of world architecture, the unity of the images which is amazing creative talent, creates art paintings and poems, laudatory odes of the beautiful enigmatic most northerly metropolis in the world with the name of St. Petersburg.
On our walking tour through the city center we will see bands of fundamental areas of the Northern Venice -Dvortsovoy, Senate, St. Isaac. AND, looking at it, aware of the idea of the great architects, creates images of urban development long before our birth.
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