A fascinating journey through the historical overview chamber and Ceremonial Petersburg.
Excursion by boat “The Baltic cruise”
The English Embankment. d.2, All boat trips, Palace Embankment. D.36, day trips, Leather line d.40, after the Finnish Gulf, Moscow motor ship, University Embankment. 15Travel this unusual and in content and intention. Its main goal is to walk around one of the largest islands ...
Excursion “grand Petersburg”
The English Embankment. d.2, All boat trips, Palace Embankment. e. 32, day trips, Embankment. river Moika d.59, Embankment. Fontanka d.27, Embankment. Fontanka River, 64, Teplokhod Fontanka, University Embankment. 15This tour will take place in two main and famous waterways of the city - Fontanka and Neva. Sublime front part of the former ...
Excursion “The forgotten Island”
The English Embankment. d.2, All boat trips, Palace Embankment. D.36, day trips, Petrovskaya embankment. d.2, after the Finnish Gulf, The motor ship Neva, University Embankment. 15, Gorky Park. KirovSightseeing tour, gives an idea of St. Petersburg, as a city standing on the islands in the Baltic Sea.
Neva Cruise “Night saxophone”
The English Embankment. d.2, All boat trips, Palace Embankment. D.36, Night walks, Moscow motor ship, University Embankment. 15On board the ship you will be able to see all the details of this amazing show, when everything merges: and water, and...
Bridges hanging over the Neva
The English Embankment. d.2, All boat trips, Palace Embankment. D.36, Night walks, Moscow motor ship, University Embankment. 15A romantic boat trip under the bridges, that raise the wings drawbridges during the navigation. Here, which leads to our ...