• duration: to 1 time 20 min
  • Departure: daily
  • berths departure: Senate marina (English nab.2 Bronze Horseman), English pier (English Embankment 28 Wedding Palace), Sevkabel Port, Zimnyaya ditch (Palace Embankment 32)
  • Route: Bolshaya Neva to Troitsky Bridge - Sevkabel Port - Gulf of Finland - Bolshaya Neva
  • motor ships: two-deck class Moscow lower deck closed, top open (lower - 70 places, upper - 70 places)
  • Language: tour in Russian, accredited guide
  • Aboard: available 2 the toilet, microphone

Description of the route

The CITY-PORT CRUISE excursion on a motor ship in St. Petersburg is a unique offer from the largest shipping company in St. Petersburg, NEVA TRAVEL COMPANY.. Few companies are allowed to show our city from such an unusual angle. But the ships of the shipping company are open to traffic through the waters of the ST. PETERSBURG PORT, with a passage through the "working quarters" of the ADMIRALTY SHIPYY and the BALTIC PLANT with a further exit to the Gulf of Finland.


This excursion across St. Petersburg is comparable in emotions to something from childhood.. Remember, what the streets of your city look like, when they are closed in honor of the holiday, and you walk down the center of the carriageway. Everything seems to be as usual, but at the same time everything is different. The motor ship will proceed along the islands, where the Admiralty shipyards are located, Baltic shipyard and port, feels like crawling through the attics and basements of your hometown.

We can say one thing: an excursion on the motor ship “Port City” will be interesting for guests of St. Petersburg, and doubly interesting for residents of St. Petersburg.

What will you see

Медный всадник
Метеор Петергоф от Дворцовой пристани
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  • Senate square
  • Saint Isaac's Cathedral
  • Bronze Horseman
  • Admiralty
  • palace bridge
  • He Arrows VO.
  • sphinxes

  • Kunstkamera
  • Sevkabel-port
  • Marine Station
  • ZSD
  • Lakhta Center
  • Admiralty shipyards
  • The Gulf of Finland

Our advantages

  • Combo - Family ticket: Advantageous offer! Family ticket - 2 adults and 1 children's ticket to 12 years. You can purchase additional tickets by category. The promotion is valid only when buying tickets online. The promotion DOES NOT WORK at the berths!
  • Combo - Ticket duet: Two adult discounted tickets! You can purchase additional tickets by category. Promotion valid for online purchase only.. The promotion DOES NOT WORK at the berths!
  • E-ticket: When purchasing tickets for "meteor" online, print tickets at the box office - no berths required! You can print it out for yourself in case your phone suddenly dies.. Passage is carried out using QR codes.

route Map

NOTE: A day trip on the “City-Port Cruise” is the best excursion in every way. She will definitely not leave anyone indifferent!

Who will be interested in the boat trip:

  1. For children, who love adventure and new discoveries.
  2. Adults, who remain children at heart and remember, how cool it is to crawl through attics and basements, go through adventures on construction sites and destroyed houses.
  3. For residents of the center of St. Petersburg, who will be able to see the city from an unusual side.
  4. Them, who was born in Leningrad-St. Petersburg and feels a special connection with this city.

Who will not be interested in the boat excursion:

  1. Adults, who have forgotten childhood and do not see anything attractive in it.
  2. Adults, who were born far from big cities, but by fate they were thrown into these very cities and considered, that they should only be surrounded by palaces.

This excursion will give you an unforgettable experience and allow you to see St. Petersburg from a completely new side!

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Adult ticket
? Discount ticket: 1300 
? Dety to 12 years: 1000 
? Children up to 3 years:  is free
Combo tickets:
? Duet: 2800 
? Semyony: 3800 
Adult ticket
Discount ticket: 1300 
children's tickets: 1000 

Other voyages on rivers and canals

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