About Flight "Bridges hanging over the Neva"
Description of the route
Meeting with St.- Petersburg – always a holiday! Especially in warm weather! Especially in the white nights! Day river trips only slightly open curtain of historical events, taking place on the banks of the Neva within 3 ages! A night – this is a magical time, when the curtain opens the Looking-Glass, and the protagonist becomes Petersburg Neva, where bridges divorce immerses you into a fairy tale, later told by night. The tale of our childhood! After all, we all come out!
And the ancients said “Everything will be fine as long as we believe in fairy tales, told us in childhood!” we our night tour of St. Petersburg We give you the opportunity to see a real fairy tale in reality and go on a magical belt Neva, where absolutely amazing and animate beings – bridges tell everyone his amazing story!
What will you see
- Senate square
- Saint Isaac's Cathedral
- Bronze Horseman
- Admiralty
- palace bridge
- Hermitage
- He Arrows VO.
- Peter-Pavel's Fortress
- Trinity bridge
- Summer Garden Grille
- Cruiser Aurora
- house Kutuzov
- foundry bridge
- sphinxes
- Tauride Palace
- tower water treatment plant
- Smolny Cathedral and Smolny Institute
- Bolsheokhtinsky bridge
- Cottage Kushelev-Bezborodko
- Lenina ensemble at the Finland Station
- Kresty prison
- military- Medical Academy
- Nakhimov Naval school
- Peter I's house
- Cathedral mosque
- Trinity chapel
- The Marble Palace
Our advantages
route Map
The main area of the city's main river will appear before our eyes. We begin the route at the Senate Square, the decoration of which were the Bronze Horseman and St. Isaac's Cathedral, symbols of St. Petersburg.
Further along the Admiralty Embankment, overshadowed by the famous weather vane on the spire of the Admiralty College, come to the Palace Bridge, opened in 1916 year. Behind it on the right, a whole huge block is occupied by the buildings of the largest museum in our country - the Hermitage. Another masterpiece of architecture on Palace Embankment was the Marble Palace, that we will see after.
Trinity bridge, Next for the Palace, the easiest and most elegant Neva bridge. Rhythm division protetov it increases from the coast to the center. And it seems, that the bridge in a single burst is crossing from shore to shore and connects together the granite embankments and squares.
Summer Garden Grille, facing the Neva, great symbol of beauty, followed by the first regular Russian fleet hiding. Right behind bars Laundry humpbacked bridge, witness the reign of Catherine II, decorates the source of the river of Fontanka. And behind it is already profitable houses capitalist Petersburg and modern residential neighborhoods, created on the basis of classical traditions of past eras.
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Adult ticket
? Dety to 12 years: 1200
? Children up to 3 years: is free
Combo tickets:
? Duet: 3750? Semyony: 4950
Adult ticket
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