• Flight duration: to 1 time 30 min
  • Departure from the berths: Anichkov bridge, Faberge Museum, Lomonosov bridge, Green bridge
  • schedule: every 30 min (you can choose the time when buying a ticket)
  • Route: the ship will pass through 5 rivers and canals, under 29 bridges
    Fontanka – Kryukov Canal – New Holland – Moyka – Winter Canal – Neva – Fontanka
  • motor ship: single-deck class Fontanka
  • Language trips: Russian, accredited guide
  • Additionally: open and closed deck, a toilet
  • discount tickets: Participants in the fighting, WWII veterans, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, FSO, Ministry of Emergency Situations and Power structures, pupils, Russian university students (day department), retirees, disabled, large families, etc.. d.
  • Children's tickets: children before 12 years inclusive. Children under the age 3 years inclusive, free ticket without occupying a separate seat.

Description of the route

A fascinating journey through the historical overview chamber and Ceremonial Petersburg. Passing along the granite embankments, where the palms are beautiful creations of human hands, ensembles bridgehead area, infinite variety of crossings over small large rivers and canals, heart – Peter and Paul fortress, temples St. Nicholas and St. Isaac, arrow VO and more. We have time to consider the most famous sculpture of a small town Siskin, Fawn, fanned by myths Mikhailovsky Castle and mysterious New Holland.

Boat trip along the rivers and canals "Venice of the North", organized by the shipping company "Neva Travel Company" - a long-standing, proven water excursion in St. Petersburg, Driven almost to perfection in terms of transfer of knowledge from the guide to the listeners.


Walks along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg on a motor ship along the route "Venice of the North" are organized by many shipping companies, but not many are qualified guides. A water excursion along the rivers and canals "Venice of the North" in St. Petersburg can be conducted by our guide with closed eyes. Unlike audio guides, whose texts are at best arranged according to GPRS, which the escape forward, the hopelessly behind, the guide, on the other hand, is able to catch the slightest changes in the rhythm of the ship's movement along the waters of rivers and canals and tune in to the story in any force majeure situation. All this together will help you get the most useful information and have a great time.

We offer to buy tickets for excursions along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg on our website, not because, that our boat tour of St. Petersburg "Venice of the North" differs radically from those presented by other companies on the same route, but because, that the main difference between our boat trip and other boat trips is our guides and information delivery.

Buy tickets for a boat tour along the canals and rivers "Venice of the North" on our website without queues and fuss. Give yourself and your loved ones bright positive impressions!

What will you see

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Метеор Петергоф от Дворцовой пристани
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  • Palace Beloselsky-Belozersky
  • sculpture “horse tamers”
  • Charles house
  • Anichkov Palace
  • barracks of the Life Guards regiment of the Moscow Imperial.
  • Tolstoy house
  • Izmailovo (Trinity) Cathedral
  • Manor Derzhavina.
  • Lomonosov bridge (Chernyshev)
  • BDT
  • Kryukov canal
  • Staro-Nikolsky market
  • Mariinskii Opera House
  • Nicholas-Epiphany Naval Cathedral
  • New Holland Island
  • kissing bridge
  • Yusupov Palace

  • Saint Isaac's Cathedral
  • Trading house
  • colored bridges
  • By the palace. Razumovsky
  • Stroganov Palace
  • Wolf and Beranger Confectionery
  • The building of the General Staff
  • Pevcheskiy bridge
  • Zimnyaya ditch
  • Hermitage gallery
  • Peter-Pavel's Fortress
  • He Arrows VO
  • The Marble Palace
  • Trinity and the Palace Bridge
  • Lattice of the Summer Garden
  • Chizhik-Pyzhik
  • Mikhailovsky castle
  • circus Chinizelli
  • Sheremetev Palace

Our advantages

  • Combo - Family ticket: Advantageous offer! Family ticket - 2 adults and 1 children's ticket to 12 years. You can purchase additional tickets by category. The promotion is valid only when buying tickets online. The promotion DOES NOT WORK at the berths!
  • Combo - Ticket duet: Two adult discounted tickets! You can purchase additional tickets by category. Promotion valid for online purchase only.. The promotion DOES NOT WORK at the berths!
  • E-ticket: When purchasing tickets for "meteor" online, print tickets at the box office - no berths required! You can print it out for yourself in case your phone suddenly dies.. Passage is carried out using QR codes.

route Map

The motor ship travels from the pier on the Fontanka River near the house 27.

This is followed by Fontanke channel and Kryukov, past the famous St. Nicholas Cathedral and the Mariinsky Theater to the Moika River near New Holland Island.

Walking along the Moika, We are seeing romantic kiss Bridge, infamous Princes Yusupov Palace, where he graduated from earthly days Grigory Rasputin.

St. Isaac's Cathedral as a fairy-tale giant in the gold helmet, colored bridges and Stroganov Palace, Memorial Museum of Alexander Pushkin on the Moika 12 and Winter Canal will lead us into the Neva.

The image of the capital of the Russian Empire, we see from the boat. And complete the route through 1 no 15 min again near the Anichkov Bridge on the Fontanka.

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Adult ticket
? Discount ticket: 1300 
? Dety to 12 years: 1000 
? Children under 5 years:  is free
Combo tickets:
? Duet: 2700 
? Semyony: 3700 
Adult ticket
Discount ticket: 1300 
children's tickets: 1000 

Other voyages on rivers and canals

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